Will you go naked for lent?
Donating time and work to environmental and other charitable causes has been an important part of SunSide Studio since day one. Pro-bono work often means a bit more creativity and fun (where appropriate). It's a chance to flex some different creative muscles, try things that have been lurking in the sketchbooks for a while - all whilst giving you that feel good smug glow that comes with saving the planet or... [insert smug positive outcome here!]
Based in North Devon, living by the sea, it's impossible not to see and be deeply worried about the plastic problem on a daily basis. Every time you pop to the beach the tide of plastic seems never ending. Even when you think you've arrived at the holy grail of a pristine beach, you haven't. A closer look shows up millions of micro-plastics. Thankfully this has now entered public consciousness and slowly changes are being made. David Attenborough did wonders with his Blue Planet series - prime time BBC1 still has the power it would seem!
There's hundreds of fantastic organisations out there who are trying to turn the tide on the plastic problem and clear up our oceans (#2minutebeachclean is a firm favourite at SunSide HQ). Surfers Against Sewage have started a fantastic campaign, 'Plastic Free Coastlines', which gives local communities a framework to become plastic free with plenty of practical actions for a town/village to take. Plastic Free North Devon have taken this as a starting point and run with it - not just run, but sprinted round the course in a Mo Farah stylee! With funding from the Pickwell Foundation they've been able to take the original campaign further, spreading the message and taking action across a whole region - not just a single town/village. This has allowed some huge businesses within the South West to get on board and make some real changes to the amount of single use plastic used on a daily basis.
Now, back to SunSide's pro bono work. It's an important part of the business and we're so happy to be donating a full branding package to Plastic Free North Devon. Once the branding is complete we'll be tackling their web presence and other campaign collateral too. We're still in the development process of the branding right now, but we have had a quick turn around on a fun campaign for lent. A campaign to inspire people to give up single use plastics for lent. The naked campaign came about after people within the PFND facebook organically started calling produce that comes without plastic wrapping 'naked'. We couldn't resist playing with this - naked veg and fun, fleshy lettering all in one place - Dream brief right there.
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It was so much fun creating this lettering and the highlights are a firm favourite. Throw in a naked cucumber and... job done! So will you go naked for lent? Find out more on the Plastic Free North Devon facebook page