Don’t forget to treat your business. Yeah - thats right, I said business. It may suck all your time, have you working all the hours that god sends and treats you like a slave at times - but it still needs a little treat too.
You may feel it needs a little makeover - a beautiful new website to attract your dream clients or a brand that tells the world exactly who you are and what you do. You do? Lets talk!
You might be perfectly happy with what you have built already (well done you!) - so how else do you treat your business?
What’s your struggle?
Time and time again I speak to clients that are unsure about what to write for their websites/blogs. They have a fear of the page - years of self-doubt surrounding writing results in avoidance tactics at every turn. It works for some - but in the online world writing is the most important skill you have (yep, thats coming from a designer). Its how you create connections and let your community know your ideas and dreams. When it all boils down to it, isn’t that why you’re in business? To follow your dreams, find your own path and some good people to do business with? Writing opens this door for you. As beautiful as your artwork may be, as cool as your jewellery is and as unique that your products are - if you aren’t able to tell people this you’re not firing on all cylinders. Yes pictures tell a thousand words - but sometimes you need those words to topple the balance for someone to connect with you (and buy!).
The main reason I think that we find writing difficult is because we’re all out of practise. Yes we spend our days responding to emails, putting together quotes and tweets - but none of that is the kind of writing that builds a community of loyal customers and create connections. Ok, sometimes it might - in which case well done, they’re some great emails! But fear not - I have the answer to the writing issues. Erica Midkiff. She’s a genius. She can help you in many ways, but pressingly at the moment, she can help you to get yourself into the right frame of mind and habit with ‘Explore 31’.
The idea is that for 31 days, beginning January 1, you’ll spend at least fifteen minutes responding to a short but powerful prompt that she’ll send straight to your inbox. When you sign up you’ll receive a welcome pack outlining the process and also some worksheets for you to set your intention - ready to start writing New Years Day (the first day could be interesting depending on the amount of cocktails consumed the night before!). On top of your daily prompts you’ll get an email each week encouraging you to check in on your intention. And then at the end, you'll get a wrap-up guide that will help you use what you created (whether that's the writing or the momentum).
The cost for this magical month of exploration? $99.
Erica doesn’t tell you what to get out of it - thats down to you to decide and discover, but there are a few common threads that you will probably enjoy;
- Clarity around your ideas.
- A dedicated writing practice.
- Insight into your why.
- More ease around writing.
- Connection with yourself.
- Content you can share.
Join me on January 31st (yes, I’ve signed up) and dig some real foundations for 2016.
I KNOW that its going to help take my business forward next year - and beyond!
Get in quick though - the deadline is tomorrow, December 17th.